Pet Professionals

We can expedite your shipments into and out of JFK

ARK Pet Oasis is fully equipped to support your pet shipping needs at JFK and to optimize your operations. From the initial inquiry to health certification to short-term boarding and transfer to/from the aircraft or cargo, our team of animal professionals will make your animal transport operation run like clockwork. Together with consulting veterinarians, ARK Pet Oasis offers the following quantitive. If you ship small animals to, from and through New York, ARK Pet Oasis provides a worry-free health and reception center to welcome your consignments.


Benefits to Shippers:

  • Maximize your business’ potential. Utilization of ARK Pet Oasis enables you to coordinate the shipment logistics for your client and assign ARK to execute services such as tendering, pick-up, boarding, health certificates, local delivery/pick-up and more; time is money and we will make your business shine.
  • Customer demand. Pet Owners are demanding added services for their pets.
  • Risk Reduction. Eliminate the financial and reputation risks to your company associated with transporting and handling of animals.
  • Process Efficiency. The ARK at JFK’s unique position at the airport enables prompt access to a variety of resources to solve routine problems.
  • Communication. ARK Pet Oasis will keep you informed every step of the way. Any issues or concerns are dealt with promptly and efficiently.
  • Peace of Mind. You can confidently inform your clients that the care of their live animal cargo will be delivered by expert specialists committed to the comfort and welfare of the animals. We will interact with parties designated by you regarding specific care instructions and/or status updates.
  • Volume Discounts. ARK Pet Oasis offers discounts for shippers with large volumes.

Click here for a complete description of services provided by The ARK Pet Oasis, or here to complete an inquiry/initiate a reservation.

The ARK is the only approved animal care facility for JFK airport by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (“PANYNJ”).

All ARK vehicles have PANYNJ plates and have been bonded and insured in accordance with PANYNJ requirements for ramp transport. Drivers have obtained appropriate certification from the PANYNJ and are authorized to escort essential personnel airside. ARK’s branded and temperature controlled vehicles provide safe transport for animals to and from our facility and all cargo and passenger terminals. The vehicles are kept clean and free from infectious agents and are disinfected in accordance with USDA protocols.

As of January 7, 2022, dogs coming from high-risk countries for rabies with CDC Dog Import Permits can enter the United States through JFK, LAX, or ATL only. Click here for more information.

Importing animals for commercial purposes requires coordination with a variety of regulatory bodies such as: CBP, CDC, USDA-APHIS and FWS. ARK Pet Oasis offers a customer friendly reception center for expectant pet parents to pick up their new family member. ARK Pet Oasis is uniquely qualified to facilitate your arrival or departure with:

  • Advice on travel containers
  • Information about age, breed, time and temperature restrictions based on airline and country regulations
  • Guidance on health certificates, vaccinations, treatments and tests based on country regulations
  • Import requirements for entry into the United States
  • Assistance with customs clearance for international shipments
  • Coordination with consignee
  • Communication throughout the shipping process
  • Ability to process the arrival at JFK/LGA/EWR and coordinate onward flight within USA
  • Veterinary services available upon arrival as needed, or to issue required documentation for onward travel.
  • Accommodation in kennels that are fully cleaned and disinfected in order to maintain a bio-secure environment for every animal.
  • Discounts for large volume importers

Click here for a complete description of services provided by The ARK Pet Oasis, or here to send us an inquiry/initiate a reservation.

Veterinarians are usually one of the first professionals that pet owners consult when contemplating travel with their pets. The AVMA website and the USDA-APHIS website are excellent resources for owners and veterinarians. ARK Pet Oasis offers the following quantitative and qualitative information to augment your advice to clients about pet travel in general and The ARK in particular:

While transporting a personal pet by air cargo can be scary and overwhelming for pet parents, it is reassuring to note that the actual rate of incidents is approximately .001%. That said, no one wants it to be their pet. What else can be done to mitigate problems? See below for more information.

  • See our blog about three ways that pets can travel by air. While all three require a health exam and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (“CVI”), there are restrictions, costs and benefits associated with each option.
  • How does your client plan to travel with their pet; in-cabin, as checked luggage, or as cargo? Pets traveling in-cabin are not subject to the same temperature restrictions that pets who travel as checked luggage and cargo are.
  • Inform your client that they may not be able to fly on the same flight as their animal due to aircraft restrictions, time and heat restrictions or space availability. Humans can book a flight up to 360 days in advance, but pets can only be reserved 14 days in advance depending on the airline. This may create the need for the pet to be accommodated before, after or during the trip. It is essential that the pet parent understands and plans for this eventuality.
  • Now more than ever Veterinary clinics are fully booked for at least a month in advance, refer your traveling pet parent clients to ARK Pet Oasis for guidance on what’s required for international travel.
  • Make sure that your client understands the criticality of timing with respect to various countries’ import requirements. Most countries require that international health certificates be issued within 10 to 14 days of the pet travel, sometimes even 48-hours prior to departure. A USDA accredited veterinarian must complete the appropriate health certificate template as per the USDA-APHIS pet travel tool. Most countries will then require this health certificate to be endorsed by the USDA, the most efficient way to do this is through VEHCS.
  • We do not recommend issuing health certificates on the 10 day mark in case of any flight cancellations, weather restrictions, or other unforeseen circumstance which would prevent the pet from flying on the scheduled date.
  • If your client is considering purchasing a pet online that will be delivered by air cargo, make sure they are aware of potential pet scams (see blog), especially if the pet is coming from outside the United States.
  • Encourage the utilization of a respected and well-reviewed broker or shipper if the pet parent is unfamiliar with the complexities of pet travel. Advise due diligence when choosing a shipper to avoid unpleasant surprises. ARK Pet Oasis offers arrival, departure, and in-transit services for pets at JFK, LGA, and EWR airports.
  • Will a layover be necessary to reach a destination; is a rest stop necessary or recommended? Have pet parents contacted the airline and research all eventualities?
  • Recommend that all core and non-core vaccines be administered. It is important to remember that during the travel process, pets may be exposed to other animals in cargo warehouses, cargo holds or at in-transit kennels that are potentially infectious. The stress of travel may contribute to illness and the animal’s ability to fight off disease.
  • See our list of other pet travel tips.

One-stop, centralized pet services under a single roof:

  • ARK Pet Oasis provides a variety of transportation services as well as short-term accommodation for traveling pets.
  • ARK approved veterinarians available for routine care, health certificates, and other veterinary services.
  • Quarantine services available for pet birds [pending USDA approval].
  • A long-term boarding (and day-care) option should a pet owner elect to travel without their pet or if extended pre-travel quarantine is indicated for export to certain countries.
  • Isolation/quarantine available for sick or unhealthy pets.
  • Prompt access to USDA, CDC, and/or CBP to resolve import-export issues and concerns
  • Close proximity to USDA-APHIS office for endorsements
  • Air cargo import-export operations for AirFrance/KLM/Alitalia/Icelandair/ANA in adjoining facility.
  • The facilities at ARK Pet Oasis have been audited and approved by NYC-DOH, USDA-APHIS Animal Care, and the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”)
  • The ARK at JFK has engaged Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine to provide guidance and oversight on best practices and biosecurity protocols.
  • The ARK at JFK is the first quarantine facility approved to utilize a non-toxic (to both humans and animals), hydrogen peroxide based agent for cleaning and disinfection. ARK Pet Oasis kennels are cleaned and disinfected after each use and the entire facility undergoes a complete cleaning as demanded by usage.

As a customs bonded warehouse and Certified Container Freight Station (“CCFS”), The ARK Pet Oasis is a highly secure facility for all animals, subject to regulation by CBP and TSA.

  •   Utilize JFK as a viable, quality in-transit rest stop
  •   Addresses consumer demand for ARK services
  •   More efficient transfer of Live Animal Cargo from international to domestic flights
  •   24/7 accommodations in the event of a flight delay, cancellation or weather restriction
  •   Advanced level of humane care for animals – calm, stress free environment with rest, relief and attention; eliminates storage in noisy cargo warehouses
  •   Travel crates are evaluated for compliance with onward carrier requirements for in-transit animals.
  •   For all in-transit and arriving pets, travel crates are cleaned, disinfected and restocked with absorbent paper, food and water. Handlers ensure that animals are fresh and unsoiled when delivered to consignee.
  •   Centralization of pet-related services in a single facility
  •   Availability of veterinary services for urgent care or additional documentation